24. Bug in the TX’s?
Due to pressure on the older AT5 TX’s and other home made gear, and the necessary arm stretching of the 40 AmpHour battery needed to run the old power hungry valve transmitters, Phil Arnold designed and built two crystal controlled transistor transmitters for the Coventry Club to use. They also did away with the need for a morse key , which is always difficult to use in a cramped ditch bottom, by including a pre-programmed CW generator. These were so successful that Chris Plummer copied them for Mid-Thames, eventually building four for them. When they were first used on evening events Chris started a winning streak. Suspicious of this success, Bill North suspected (wrongly as it happens, distrustful sod) that Chris had build in 2m Bugs to DF on with a continuous signal , rather than the 160m intermittent signal timings. Bill took all the sets apart to find if there was a bug, but had in the end to admit that Chris had come good.
These sets, slightly modified, have been in use for about 15 years, and as they are built into small sealed ammo boxes, they have withstood, being dropped into deep water, rolled down cliffs and generally abused, normally without failure. In fact Chris has built four more for South Manchester with the addition of auto voice recorders and output power controls.